The Management Committee ask plot holders to look favourably on Merton's recent request to share contact information with the Committee.
When members of the Committee met Merton's Parks Team on 31 January 2024, a key topic was effective communication.
In the past it was different, but the Committee currently do not know who all plot holders are or how to contact them. The only ways for the Committee to pass on news to plot holders is the notice boards at the Site, this web site, word of mouth and the AGM. That can be hit or miss.
The head of the Parks Team (Andrew Kauffman) has recently written to each plot holder, on the subject of permission to share his or her contact information with the Committee.
Mr Kauffman's letter concludes: "if we haven’t heard from you [via] before [Friday 9 August 2024] we will assume that you are happy for your details to be shared."
The Annual Show and BBQ are a highlight of the CPAGA year. CPAGA's 2024 Annual Show will be on Saturday, 7 September 2024. Entry forms and the Schedule are available on this web site, or at the Site.
Please note the date - the first Saturday.
The Schedule is very similar to that in previous years.
If your produce has survived the rain and shine, do enter it into the Show!
CPAGA's 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 19 May at 11 am in the John Gray Centre. All plotholders and garden members are welcome!
The Shop and kitchens will close just before 11.00 am on the day of the meeting.
The agenda is as follows, and is similar to that at previous Annual General Meetings:
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, Sunday 14 May 2023
Matters arising
Reports from Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and co-Trading Managers
Election of Officers and Independent Examiner: President Vice President Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Trading Manager Independent Examiner
Election of other Committee Members
Any Other Business - questions and discussion