The next Annual General Meeting

In a typical year, the Association would hold its AGM (annual general meeting) on the first Sunday of May. However, the Association has not been able to hold a general meeting since COVID first hit the UK. The Management Committee is keen to hold the next general meeting soon after it first becomes lawful and safe to do so. It takes stock of the current position each time it meets.
Step 4 of the Government's current COVID plan for England, when put in place, should see all legal limits on social contact removed. That step is not expected before 21 June 2021. The Committee hopes to schedule and hold an AGM soon after Step 4 is reached.
A key part of the business at an AGM is the election (or re-election) of the Association's Officers and other Management Committee members. At present, the positions of Secretary and Trading Manager are vacant. If you might be interested in serving in one of those positions and would like to know more about what the position entails, please do ask a member of the Committee for more information.