How about joining CPAGA's Committee?

CPAGA's members will elect the members of its Management Committee at their Annual General Meeting on 6 May 2018. How about seeking to join the Committee?
We’re a friendly bunch and meet on Sunday mornings at 9.30 for an hour, about six times a year, to do our bit to meet CPAGA's aims:
(a) to promote the interests of allotment holders and gardeners;
(b) to act in conjunction with Merton Council to ensure the good management, cultivation and protection of the allotment site;
(c) to make provision to meet the horticultural requirements of CPAGA members by organizing trading facilities; and
(d) to take whatever steps are practicable to make horticultural advice available to members.
If you are interested, please talk to anyone running the Shop on a Sunday morning or email Sue, Plot 125, CPAGA Secretary at
Image by: Kathleen Zarubln Licence: CC BY 2.0