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Tea leaves take the biscuit

There was a break-in at the John Gray Centre today. The police have been informed. Some plotholders' sheds were also broken into. Kay Mankerty from Merton Council is contacting the plotholders affected but, if you are a plotholder with a shed, it is worth checking it as soon as you can.

It appears that the person, or people, who broke-in entered the Centre though a side window, having also tried to prise the padlocks off the Centre's door and get in through the window by the sink in the kitchen. So far, we do not think that they got access to the Shop.

Lots of biscuits, tea bags and coffee were stolen from the Centre's kitchen, and a small amount of cash; valuables are not kept in the Centre.

Plotholders are asked to do everything they can to ensure the security of the Site. Please always lock the gates to the Site behind you and do not keep valuables in your shed.

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